Amor à sabedoria
Palavras: estalagmite
Affirmation number one: That you were atheists I’ve always thought! I’m quite sure of that now I must say… And, actually, not a bit proud of it I am. (Just kidding, okay? In whatever you want you believe). You might even believe in Aphrodite, Uranus, Dionysus etc. I guess. Interesting that certainly would be.
Question number one: Qual a origem de estalagmite?
Question number two: Outra perguntinha basiquinha: vocês, senhores respeitosos, acham mesmo que tudo se vende?
As you see, my dilemma this is. A philosopher I am!
1) Do Grego STALAGMOS, “gota”, de STALASSEIN, “pingar, gotejar”.
2) Já respondemos que não.